Frequently Asked Questions
1. What's the difference in the Tiers?
The difference is how often your meal plans change.
Tier 2 Meals change every 14 days, Tier 5 Meals change every 7 days
2. Will I get results on all Tiers? Yes
3. Are results guaranteed?
No one can guarantee results, results are based on an individual bases..
4. Do I need to start off with Tier 2 or go through all the Tiers? No
5. How much weight will I lose in 10/12 weeks? Results are based on an individual basis.
6. What's the most weight someone has lost in 10/12 weeks on your program? 131.6 pounds (IUTBU Contest)
7. Do you provide sample meal plans? No Tier plans are customized
8. Do you have any Cheaper Plans? The only plans we have are the ones stated under meal plan tab
9. Do I need a smartphone or computer to be on the plan? Yes
10. Can I pause my plan? No all plans are in consecutive order
11. Can I purchase multiple plans at a time? yes
12. Am I required to take any diet pills to lose weight? Not on IUTBU Program
13. How long do I have to redeem my plan? 30 days from purchase date
14. I have a lot of different ailments and diseases will your plan work for me? I have had clients with all types of ailments and diseases and has lost weight
15. What if I need to lose the last 15lbs can you help me? I can help anyone that's ready to lose weight
16. What if I don't like certain foods? All plans are customized except The Contest and Accelerated Plans, you submit food list of likes, dislikes and allergic to
17. How long is Tier 2 Meal Plans? Tier 2 is a 10 Weeks Meal Plan that changes every 14 days after check in.
18. What if I am a Vegetarian or Vegan can you help me? Yes I write Plans to fit your Lifestyle
19. What comes with the customized plan?
Meal plan what to eat daily, online IUTBU support Group. Unlimited Emails, Phone, Skype, FaceTime support
20. Can I get the contest meal plan and not do the contest? No
21. What's the difference between Contest and Custom? Contest is an Accelerated
weight loss plan, Contestants are in a secret Facebook group a chance to win Cash and Prizes
22. What if I have an emergency and need to pause my plan? Plans are consecutive your weeks will continue on. You can't pause.
23. How Do I get my meal plans after I purchase it? Via Email everything is 100% Online
24. Can I transfer my plan? All plans are non transferable
25. Do I need to submit pictures?
Yes as long as you're not in The Transformation Contest you can crop off your head if you like
26. Do I have to take and submit pictures? Yes pictures are a part of the program
27. What do I need to start the program? Measuring tools, food scale, body weight scale, computer or smart phone, Heart Rate Monitor Watch preferably Polar (optional)
28. Can I gift a plan to a family member or friend? Yes at the time of purchase leave in the notes section.
29. Do you offer discounts? Referral discounts are offered to clients when their referral fills out his/her paperwork your name must be submitted. However, referrals can't be used for Bootcamp Discounts
30. Do you make kid meal plans are they the same price? Yes
31. Can I upgrade to the next tier and how much? Yes you can whatever the difference in the plan you purchased that's what you pay to upgrade via PayPal
32. Why do I pay more when I buy separate meal plan and exercise plan? Every purchase PayPal charges a fee
33. Are there any Refunds? No All Sales are Final
34. How long will I get my plan after purchase?
Once you complete all info and return back via email there's a 24/48hour turn around on all correspondence
35. Do I have to purchase a Tier plan with the Contest Plan? No The contest plan is for the contest
36, Can I purchase one plan for my family? No each plan is custom to each individual according to weight, goals, size, height etc
37. How to become a Lifetime member? TBD
38. What does Lifetime member benefits? TBD
-Wiltrina Jones